“Every day we come into contact with various things. We do not really pay much attention to most of them. They are simply close at hand, we use them, and set them aside again.
However, a small number of these things come to mean more to us, become more closely bound up with our lives. They accompany us day by day, over a long period of time. They become our constant companions, we grow fonder and fonder of them, and eventually they become a firm part of us.
It makes us happy when, time and time again, we meet people who have, over a period of months and years, found a constant companion in a TSATSAS product.
We have asked a number of these people to show us where and how they share their lives with such a product. The result: Snapshots of our bags and accessories, scenes straight from everyday life, captured on camera.“
Esther and Dimitrios Tsatsas
The following protagonists were part of the ”Constant Companions“ project,
released in December 2017
Byron Amanatidis, Berlin, Germany
Michael Anastassiades, London, United Kingdom
Sarah Böttger, Wiesbaden, Germany
Silke Bücker, Cologne, Germany
Garth Condit, New York, USA
Stefan Dotter, Berlin, Germany
Prof. Markus Frenzl, Frankfurt/Main and Munich, Germany
Andreas Friberg Lundgren, Gothenburg, Sweden
Elise Garcia, Paris, France
Vicente Garcia Jimenez, Udine, Italy
Antonia Henschel, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Oliver Jahn, Munich, Germany
Elizabeth Jeffer, Chappaqua, USA
Gerhardt Kellermann, Munich, Germany
Isabelle Kountoure, London, United Kingdom
Michael Maharam, New York, USA
Claudia Neumann, Cologne, Germany
Sven Prothmann, Offenbach/Main, Germany
Ana Relvão, Munich, Germany
Remo Röntgen, Dannenberg, Germany
Cristina Salvati, Udine, Italy
Artur Tadevosian, Antwerp, Belgium
Robert Volhard, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Costas Voyatzis, Athens, Greece